The past year has been a challenging one on so many levels. But if we’ve learned anything from our cancer patients, it’s the value of resilience. From confronting COVID-19 to dramatically expanding our outreach and care to underserved and marginalized communities, we rallied, responded and flexed our resilience muscle to deliver on our mission of supporting the whole person and all those who touch his or her life.
We’ve embraced change in other ways as well—starting with this report to you, our stakeholders. Rather than a printed piece, we’re going digital and invite you to read and engage with us through this microsite. There are moving patient videos, updates on our achievements and activities, links to resources, plus a variety of ways to donate or get involved.  Like MyLifeLine, our web-based platform for cancer patients and their families, we hope this new format will create even stronger connections between CSC, its supporters, and the 
people we serve.
Interview with Kim Thiboldeaux, CEO and Laura Barnes, Board Chair
Anyone who's been impacted by cancer directly or indirectly knows that in addition to making informed decisions about our treatment and the way we live, we must have hope that the things we do today will result in a healthier and happier tomorrow. We will hold those in positions of power accountable with the conviction and hope that the inequalities we struggle with today will end and that the opportunity to lead healthy and safe lives is within reach for all of us.
Kim Thiboldeaux, CEO 
2020 may have tested us tremendously, but it also shored up our core strengths even more. It allowed us to get to a new plateau, one that we're going to just be able to jump off from and exceed in so many ways.
Lauren Barnes, Board Chair
Annual Report 2019-2020
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An Interview with 
Kim Thiboldeaux, CEO and
Lauren Barnes, Board Chair